Saturday 3 January 2009


Yeah! It's Saturday again...And what did I do today...emmm....let's see...I did practically nothing for self. Had to go to Church earlier than usual for camp planning committee meeting, and then for Worship team Practice. It was really a hectic one for me, especially because I went to bed pretty late last night...or will I say at the dawn of this morning, and had to be up before 11am, and prepare to set out for church at 12:30pm. Well, what do I say...It's God's work, and that's why I cannot just hold back from doing what pleases Him besides, I'll be excused of duties in worship team until after my exams. Not that I'm so looking forward to it, but I think it's a wise thing to do, so that I can prepare adequately.

Yay! I'm counting down to the start of my 1st semester's exam. How do I feel??? Emmm....I really can't tell... Got some mixed feelings especially because I'll be sitting for 5 modules, and I really haven't done much in terms of preparations. I'm trusting God for the best anywayz, I know He'll make all things work according to His plans...

I'll be doing a lot of studying for the next 3weeks. Can't wait to be done with the exams. Well, I'll just gear up, keep my fingers crossed, do all I need to do, and trust God for the rest....