It's amazing how each time I take a look at the mirror of life - God's word in the Bible, I receive new insights for life. A particular scripture could send a meaning this moment, and the next time you come to it, you get another equally awesome meaning. Thanks to the Holy Spirit.
So I read through the first Chapter of Paul's message/letter to the Hebrews this morning, and guess what? I got an amazing message from it!
Paul started by reminding us of how God spoke to the people of old (our ancestors) through Prophets. Picture a prophet walking down to your grand-father's house to tell him "Thus saith the Lord...." :). That was the way our parents understood God's voice, that was how they got God's message. A prophet had to tell them what God was saying. They couldn't communicate with God on their own....hmmmm....that must have been a really tiring thing to do. Imagine having a problem and maybe the prophet lives far away from you, and he usually travels miles to come to relay God's message to you, then you have to wait for the next time he comes around before you can share your problem with him.....or imagine if you had to travel all the way to inquire of the prophet like some people still do these days. Remember, there were no mobile phones then! :) I'm glad I wasn't born in that dispensation.
But now, God speaks to us through His Son. His Son that came to die, His Son who was crucified upon the cross, His Son who resurrected, His Son who he conferred a Name above all names....and in His Name, we are granted forgiveness and purification from all sins - even our most deadly habitual sins! And God places this His Son on a superior position to the angels. Not minding the fact the angels were probably all lobbying for that, even His Son's Name - JESUS is more superior and has more authority than the name of the angels, and even the person of the angels themselves.
Now, something comes to my mind. I remember that there are actually some people on earth who worship angels. Why do they do this? It's really a misunderstanding of their rights. God has already given me the authority to use His Son's name whenever I need help (Phil 2:10), so why worship angels? The angels were created to worship God's Son (Phil 1:6), that is to show how superior He is!
Knowing your right in Christ will help you understand the position you have. I am also told that I am "raised up to sit together with Him in Heavenly places" - Ephesians 2:6. Wow!! That means I have more authority than the angels (through the Name of Jesus).
You know what thrills me most? Hebrews 1:14 says "angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation." Wow! That means the moment I handed all I am to God, He immediately assigned His angels to always be there to minister to me. That means wherever I go, whatever I do, He sends His angels about doing whatever I bid! That's exactly what a servant does, isn't it? If you've had the experience of having a servant or maid attend to you, I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. When you need water to to drink, you could ask your maid to help you get it....the maid could do your laundry, attend to your every call. That's what God has sent angels to do for us - to attend to our distress calls....AMAZING!!!
So Angels are my servants? They're sent by my Father to attend to my every needs? He pays them for attending to my needs? All I need to do is to tell them that they should do it....using my Father's authority (in the Name of His Son - JESUS)? Like, I can ask God's angels to go before me as a shield of protection, to fight battles on my behalf, etc....all in the Name of Jesus? Wow!!!
This right is only given to those who have "inherited salvation", i.e. only those who have accepted that Christ died for them, and have given over their all to God to be in charge of their lives? So all of us who are SAVED have the right of service from servants? Wow, What a privilege!!! :)
"....let your light so shine before men" (Matt 5:16).
Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Sometimes it takes letting go of something to be able to get something better. "A bird at hand is worth two in the bush" they say.....but then what do we do when we need to apply faith?
Ever tried picking up an item when you already have something in your hands? I'm sure you can attest to the fact that it is a very difficult thing to do. Well, I've tried that before, and it was a very tedious and in fact futile attempt.
Why all these long stories? I know God has great plans for me in the area of my career. He has promised to make me a lighthouse. I am destined to make impact. There's a whole lot God wants me to do, there's what he has created me to be. I'm not going to let the situations of this moment deter me from being that which He has set me out to be.
Now, I've decided to give up a job I have at hand for the reason that I do not feel a sense of FULFILLMENT on the job. I'm making a decision to thrust my faith and look out for something else which will give me a sense of fulfillment. "What a crazy thing to do!" you may say, but I tell you, I have committed the matter to my Master, and I feel a sweet sense of peace in this decision I have made. I know He's by me, I know He's making things better, I know He has prepared a better place for me!

Hebrews 11
Ever tried picking up an item when you already have something in your hands? I'm sure you can attest to the fact that it is a very difficult thing to do. Well, I've tried that before, and it was a very tedious and in fact futile attempt.
Why all these long stories? I know God has great plans for me in the area of my career. He has promised to make me a lighthouse. I am destined to make impact. There's a whole lot God wants me to do, there's what he has created me to be. I'm not going to let the situations of this moment deter me from being that which He has set me out to be.
Now, I've decided to give up a job I have at hand for the reason that I do not feel a sense of FULFILLMENT on the job. I'm making a decision to thrust my faith and look out for something else which will give me a sense of fulfillment. "What a crazy thing to do!" you may say, but I tell you, I have committed the matter to my Master, and I feel a sweet sense of peace in this decision I have made. I know He's by me, I know He's making things better, I know He has prepared a better place for me!

Hebrews 11
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
I always thought love was all about feelings. I always thought it had to do with responding to an act of kindness, appreciating a good deed, reciprocating an expression of love from another....albeit, I realized I was mistaken.
I have learnt that love is not about feelings, it is about actions. Love demands sacrifice, love demands putting the needs of others before yours. Love demands that you go to any length to ensure that those around you are not struggling when you have enough for self and even for squandering.
I have learnt that love is not about pointing out the wrongs others commit, it is about reminding oneself each moment that every human on this earth is unique in his/her own way. It is about spotting the weaknesses in others, but slowly and patiently helping them overcome these weaknesses.
I have learnt that love is about making a commitment to make the lives of others better. It demands giving up our 'limited time' in order to make a difference in the life help those who are still crawling to get to help those who are crouching to stand strong and help those limping to get to walk majestically.
I have learnt that love is making every little effort count towards ensuring that this world is a better place for all who live in it.
I have learnt that love conquers ALL. Love is the greatest. (1 Cor 13:13).
I have learnt to love!!! :)
I have learnt that love is not about feelings, it is about actions. Love demands sacrifice, love demands putting the needs of others before yours. Love demands that you go to any length to ensure that those around you are not struggling when you have enough for self and even for squandering.
I have learnt that love is not about pointing out the wrongs others commit, it is about reminding oneself each moment that every human on this earth is unique in his/her own way. It is about spotting the weaknesses in others, but slowly and patiently helping them overcome these weaknesses.
I have learnt that love is about making a commitment to make the lives of others better. It demands giving up our 'limited time' in order to make a difference in the life help those who are still crawling to get to help those who are crouching to stand strong and help those limping to get to walk majestically.
I have learnt that love is making every little effort count towards ensuring that this world is a better place for all who live in it.
I have learnt that love conquers ALL. Love is the greatest. (1 Cor 13:13).
I have learnt to love!!! :)
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
I want to write, but the words aint heart is overwhelmed...I need someone to talk to.....someone, anyone who could give sound advice on certain matters on ground.
A lot has been happening lately in this small world of mine....This month has been way too overwhelming! Lord!!
CHOICES! DECISIONS!! ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS!!! Hmmmmm......God help me!!! :(
I miss those times when I could have a good chat with a godly friend, and get answers or would I say insights to certain troubling matters!!!
Oh Lord, You've searched me. You know my way!!!
A lot has been happening lately in this small world of mine....This month has been way too overwhelming! Lord!!
CHOICES! DECISIONS!! ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS!!! Hmmmmm......God help me!!! :(
I miss those times when I could have a good chat with a godly friend, and get answers or would I say insights to certain troubling matters!!!
Oh Lord, You've searched me. You know my way!!!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Over a year ago, I wrote my previous blog. A LOT has happened in this past year. Now I'm wondering, should I put it all up here at once?
I feel so excited blogging again. However, I have to be careful not to let the excitement take me to the point where I write without thinking. :p I'll get back here with updates on what has happened so far - My Christian walk, Career, Family and of course my 'Love life'. (I know y'all will be excited to hear about that). :p
The summary of it all is GOD HAS BEEN FAITHFUL.
Till you see my next blog....
Peace! <3
I feel so excited blogging again. However, I have to be careful not to let the excitement take me to the point where I write without thinking. :p I'll get back here with updates on what has happened so far - My Christian walk, Career, Family and of course my 'Love life'. (I know y'all will be excited to hear about that). :p
The summary of it all is GOD HAS BEEN FAITHFUL.
Till you see my next blog....
Peace! <3
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
I'm beginning to lose count of the number of marriages going on around me. News of "young ladies" getting married...and young men alike. Change of status, names and even lifestyle been effected as soon as the deal is signed...:-) And the singles now desperately searching for their "heartthrob". Beautiful isn't it?
But then, I look again at the world around me and the rate of divorces and broken relationships seem to be screaming at me like the sound of the ancient Church bells. Then I ask myself, why? Why do people who seem to be so "in love" end up breaking up? Why does it seem like the vows made at the altar are never kept? Alas, there's just one word screaming loud- SELFISHNESS!!!
SELFISHNESS! Yes, that's the word!!
So many people these days go into a relationship for the wrong reasons. If you're in a relationship...or seeking for one, I'll like you to ask yourself this question - Why am I in this? Why do I need this?? What are my motives? If you're going into, or are already in a relationship for the sake of fulfilling your needs, them I must tell you this - You're so wrong! Retrace you priorities, cause you're heading for a failure.
Recently, I came across this beautiful write-up by Tim LaHaye which dealt briefly on Selfishness. I must say, it gave me a wonderful perspective about different kinds of people and somehow I got to realize the answer to my question - Why do relationships/marriages fail? The success of any relationship/marriage is not as dependent on the amount of money the two people involved have, where they live, how good-looking they are or how much education they have as it is on how selfish the two in the relationship are.
According to LaHaye, nothing is more destructive to a marriage (or relationship) than selfishness..."I insist on having it my own way!", "I want the last word!"...those are the words (or silent thoughts) of a selfish person. Selfish people are rigid and intolerant to other people's desires and insensitive to others' needs or feelings. It is almost humanly impossible to love a compulsively selfish person.
Anybody considering marriage should carefully examine how his/her prospective partner treats others, especially family members. The way a person treats others is a very clear indication of how he/she will treat you or your family members when you have been joined in marital harmony.
Some people select a life partner for all the wrong reasons and introduce their selfish agenda into the new union, destroying interpersonal skills and soon erasing all feelings of love. Readiness for marriage is not directly dependent on age or physical maturity, it is dependent on maturity of the mind and spirit . "One is not old enough for matrimony until he or she is unselfish enough to think more of someone else's needs and desires than his or her own" - Tim LaHaye.
Mature individuals rarely divorce and usually enjoy a happy marriage, regardless of contrasting temperaments or other differences that may exist between them. Conflicts in taste or attitude do not destroy marital harmony, but expressions of selfishness often do.
Partnerships of all kinds can suffer from selfishness, Two people can start a business as equal partners and selfishness creeps in, turning best friends into worst enemies. They may claim their conflicts on "personality differences" or "philosophical differences", but the bottom-line problem is selfishness.
The degree to which individuals overcome selfishness determines the success and happiness of all their interpersonal relationships.
Selfishness is the silent destroyer of relationships. Let's learn to question our motives. Ask yourself "What can I give into this relationship" rather than "What can I get from this relationship"! :-)
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others" - Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV).
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Break me Lord, till there's no more of me for the world to see...
Fill me Lord, that its all of You the world will see....
Direct my eyes to see things through Your eyes...
My mind to be set on things that are above, rather than on things that are here on earth....
For that which is on earth is temporal, while that which is above is eternal (2nd Cor 4:18).
I broke down while leading worship in service today. Not because the worship was so good, but because for a moment, I was totally awed by the sovereignty of God, and how much He has put in us to declare life into our lives.
Shared a bit about what God did for mum last week. I really don't want to remember how weak her voice sounded when she told me she was in pains; talking about her bleeding (as a result of suspected tumor/fibroid?), her not been able to go to the Hospital for check-up coz she couldn't sit at a place for long, etc. I remember how confused I felt last week Thursday while I spoke to her on the phone, and how the weakness of her voice kept ringing in my ears for the rest of the day.
It's amazing how all we need to do is declare a thing in the Name of Jesus according to God's will, and it will be done. I remember how all I could do was type a few words: "Mum, I trust God to ease your pains and heal you completely. I love you so much mum, you mean a lot to me. Praying for you!", and how depressed I felt for the rest of the day....But the God I serve, He answers prayers. The bleeding stopped the next day, the pains were gone, and she could even travel (driving on her own). Glory be to God!!
How wouldn't I be moved at how amazing my God is? How couldn't I be awed at how Magnificent He is. Couldn't hold back the tears when I shared a bit of this story while I led worship today. Indeed my God is awesome.
I've not been the best I should be for Him. I've not exactly done the right things, but He still answers my prayers.
Lord, who compares to You?
Friday, 18 June 2010
"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." (Ps 37:25).
Words are not enough to tell of His goodness....
Even the tears I shed don't express the JOY in me accurately.....
Indeed I can say He has been SO GOOD to me....
Indeed I can say His Will is Perfect....
Lord, I thank You for this wonderful gift....
You've brought JOY to my Heart...
You've put a SONG on my Lips...
The one who Perfects all that concerns me...
Some Trust in Chariots, and some in horses....but I TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE LORD my God! (Psalm 20:7)
Woohooo!!! I'm officially A GRADUATE of The University of Nottingham!!!
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
It's amazing what life in Uni can do to a person. Can't believe I lost touch of my "reading" habit. Despite how hard it was for me to accept this, I got to realize recently that I was beginning to lose the interest that I once had in reading inspirational books, and aptly working towards personal development.
So, I decided that the period after final exams would be the best time to catch up on what I have lost so far. Made some interesting plans:
1. Get books to read.
2. Make sure I read them: At least one book in a week.
3. Make a journal on every inspiring word/message/information I come across.
4. Put what I have learnt - the positives - into practice.
The journey to fulfilling these plans began today. Had a date with Sis. Chai Hong of Kajang Assembly of God to get some books at the Christian Bookshops in Petaling Jaya. I must say it was a lovely trip.
1st stop - Luther Center
Never been to this place before...however, was told that there was a book sale going on there, so that would be a good stop. I later got to realize that the book sale was organized by a Christian Bookshop called Glad Sounds Sdn Bhd. The sales spot was in a room on the 3rd floor of the building, and would be going on until 20th June.
Was so excited once I got into the place. Lots of books to choose from, and at affordable prices too....Discounts for some items went as low as 70%. Couldn't just imagine. Well, I originally had two books in mind before I left home - Tim Lahaye's "Why you act the way you do", and Spirit-controlled temperament. However, when I stepped into the place, I began to pick others books which didn't yet include any of these two mentioned.
T'was quite exciting picking books, and seeing how much discount I'd get on them. Summary is, I ended up with 15 good books from 4 different genres (Prayer, Leadership/Business/Entrepreneurship, Relationships/Marriage, and Christian Living).
Next stop... Evangel Book Center. I browsed through their book stands. Saw some interesting books I'd have loved to pick up, but they were quite pricey and had no discounts on them. They had some wonderful biographies I really would like to have...especially the one by Elizabeth Elliot, two books by Francine Rivers - Scarlet thread and A Voice in the Wind...but they still were very pricey.
Last stop...Salvation Bookshop. From my point of view, they didn't have much to offer. Only saw one book I loved...still pricey...Considering the fact that I had spent so much already in Luther Center for the 15 books I got...Well, I concluded that I'd better be content with what I had picked up so to finish reading those ones first.
So, here begins my holiday....Lots to read, lots of new stuffs to learn...I'm excited. Today was indeed a wonderful day!!!
I owe my sincere thanks to Sis. Chai Hong.
So, I decided that the period after final exams would be the best time to catch up on what I have lost so far. Made some interesting plans:
1. Get books to read.
2. Make sure I read them: At least one book in a week.
3. Make a journal on every inspiring word/message/information I come across.
4. Put what I have learnt - the positives - into practice.
The journey to fulfilling these plans began today. Had a date with Sis. Chai Hong of Kajang Assembly of God to get some books at the Christian Bookshops in Petaling Jaya. I must say it was a lovely trip.
1st stop - Luther Center
Never been to this place before...however, was told that there was a book sale going on there, so that would be a good stop. I later got to realize that the book sale was organized by a Christian Bookshop called Glad Sounds Sdn Bhd. The sales spot was in a room on the 3rd floor of the building, and would be going on until 20th June.
Was so excited once I got into the place. Lots of books to choose from, and at affordable prices too....Discounts for some items went as low as 70%. Couldn't just imagine. Well, I originally had two books in mind before I left home - Tim Lahaye's "Why you act the way you do", and Spirit-controlled temperament. However, when I stepped into the place, I began to pick others books which didn't yet include any of these two mentioned.
T'was quite exciting picking books, and seeing how much discount I'd get on them. Summary is, I ended up with 15 good books from 4 different genres (Prayer, Leadership/Business/Entrepreneurship, Relationships/Marriage, and Christian Living).
Next stop... Evangel Book Center. I browsed through their book stands. Saw some interesting books I'd have loved to pick up, but they were quite pricey and had no discounts on them. They had some wonderful biographies I really would like to have...especially the one by Elizabeth Elliot, two books by Francine Rivers - Scarlet thread and A Voice in the Wind...but they still were very pricey.
Last stop...Salvation Bookshop. From my point of view, they didn't have much to offer. Only saw one book I loved...still pricey...Considering the fact that I had spent so much already in Luther Center for the 15 books I got...Well, I concluded that I'd better be content with what I had picked up so to finish reading those ones first.
So, here begins my holiday....Lots to read, lots of new stuffs to learn...I'm excited. Today was indeed a wonderful day!!!
I owe my sincere thanks to Sis. Chai Hong.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Like a workman that earns His wages at the end of every job performed,
She waits to earn that which belongs to her.
She's been led to the gift shop,
to pick out that which best suits her.
There are a variety to choose from,
In different forms - shapes, colors, sizes - they come.
She sees a gift She so admires, one she doesn't seem to be able to take her eyes off from...
But, Is that the best for her?
Coz she's expected to choose that which is best for her.
Then He says "If that's what you want, you can have it! ....the desires of your heart I'll let you have!"
And she turns, staring Him right in the face,
Oh, that look! It seemed more out of permissiveness than out of satisfaction....
Then loudly she said "Oh that! I'll pass",
Let's move on!!
Let's keep searching!!!
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