Saturday, 17 January 2009


It's really very disappointing to see what this world is turning into...Just recently, I read this post on Fox News that talks about a 22-year-old girl who is auctioning her virginity for $3.7million...Now datz really hilarious you might say, but I think there is more to it.

Now, come to think of it, I really wonder what on earth would make her do that...I mean, if she has manged to stay that way to this extent/age (after all so many people get to lose their virginity at an age earlier than that), then why can't she remain that way until she meets Mr. Right?

Well...well, different people have their own opinion about issues of virginity...but for me, I find this really humiliating. No matter how desperate one may be for money, or whatever reason it is, I don't think auctioning one's virginity online should be an option...Now that's my opinion okay??

I believe there a lot of people, especially girls out there who wish they hadn't lost their virginity...especially when they think of the person to whom they gave it more of if it has to be a stranger....I mean someone who gets the information online and bids for it...Well, like I said, this is still my opinion...I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion...But, I'll love to ask this question to you who is reading this blog entry....What do you think about this? What'z your opinion about this auctioning of virginity online???

P.S: To see original story, click here,2933,480037,00.html