Today was a difficult one for me. Not just because I had a lot to do, but also because I had to do so much when I wasn't feeling too well. There seems to be some kinda spread of Viral infections out on campus; a lot of people down with flu. Unfortunately, I now fall into the group. I think mine started like 2days ago, but I never really took note of it. I'm not used to falling ill, so I never let it bother me. Unfortunately, this one hit me real hard. Felt very terrible with a severe headache, clogged nasal tract, itchy throat and chesty cough(so painful)
Datz why I tag it "FLU DAY!!!"
Still had to perform my duties at the registration stand. Had a lot of things to do at the same time coz the others in the team weren't really committed to helping out...they were rather committed to wandering about...quite annoying
. Anywayz, I put in the best I could, even though I had to do a lot of multi-tasking, jumping from one point at the stand to another. However, I made sure that when I was beginning to feel weak & exhausted, I left for my room. So, on a total, I worked for about 6hrs 30mins, compared to the time spent yesterday, this was less (probably coz i felt a lot weaker today). Got back to my room at about 3:30pm (had been out since 9:00am).
My friend finally left for her country. I feel bad, but didn't shed tears when she was leaving.
Just a hug.... though she is worth my tears, coz she is such a nice person.
The rest of the day??? Just okay, though I'll be going to bed with this Flu still making me feel terrible. I hope to be better by tomorrow.
Special Prayer to God:
Dear Lord, please heal me, and help me recover from this Flu that makes me feel so weak. I know that You are The Divine Healer, and that You can heal me. AMEN!!!