Monday, 22 December 2008


For sometime now, I've been trying to do a recap of what this year (2008) has been like for me: My achievements, my good works, right choices,... the times when I screwed up, the things I did wrong, and even the wrong choices I made. I've come to realize that though I wasn't able to meet up to all my expectations for this year, there's been a lot that I've learnt.

I've learnt to love more, tolerate more, work harder, appreciate more and above all, to Trust more in God. Yeah! There were times when I screwed up, doing the wrong things, going my own way, getting involved in things I wasn't s'posed to get myself into, but God has really been merciful. I've faced situations were it seemed difficult to extend love to certain people, swallow all the sh** one received from some people, etc. etc...but God still showed himself strong in my life.

There were times when I felt like a total nuisance...helpless, weak and trembling before God, times when I felt I had no reason to live, but it was in those times that God stepped in and reminded me that He had already given me a reason to live when He sent His Son (Jesus Christ) to die for my sin and bring me undeserved Grace...Salvation for my soul.

There were times when I felt I had arrived, I felt I had achieved so much on my own, but then God reminded me that "Without Him, I can do nothing". Then I would have to repent of my self-righteousness and return to rely solely on Him.

I've lived by God's grace throughout this year, and now I am left to ponder on what I want the coming year (2009) to be for me. I had this thought in mind for a while, but didn't think deeply about it until just recently. Taking a count down, it's obvious that I've got about 8days to the end of this year...and if God tarries, I've got to set plans spinning on for the coming year. I promised myself that I would make a self-checklist, but as is the result of procrastination, I haven't done so until now. Got a call from someone special today, and one of the questions he asked me was this "Winnie, watz ur plan for the coming year?"...I could only whisper a few words as an answer...Here's my reply "emmm...well, I haven't set out any definite plan, but what I have made up my mind to do is to Draw closer to God and work harder towards fulfilling His plans for my life, by making use of His grace that He has made available to me..." Now that's a very general statement right??? Okay! I'm working towards making them more specific, and I believe that before this year runs out, I should be ready to implement it.

Life is not always the way we want it to be, but what matters most is who or what controls our life. For me, I think the best thing to hold on to is the sayings of the Bible "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's Purpose that prevails" (Prov 19:21 - NIV).

I work towards fulfilling my Purpose is Christ....Mine is a Purpose-driven life!!!