Today was really a wonderful one for me. Spent time out with friends. We went to KLCC Twin Towers for New Year's

When we got there and my friends were debating about where to have lunch, I quickly suggested my favorite NANDOS. Three of them hadn't tried NANDOS before, so I chided in the opportunity to help them make their orders.....ha ha!! The food was very nice (as usual), and we had some real nice time together. The pictures are yet to be given to me. I'll have to add them to my album when they get to me.
From KLCC, we went to Mid Valley Mega Mall. We had some more fun, and I returned to school at about 12midnight, feeling very exhausted, but pleased with how I spent my day.....Yeah! I needed to have fun, coz I'll be sitting my ass down to study for the next 3weeks for my exams this Semester... to go now...Feeling very sleepy already, and it's midnight here...