I’ve been away from home for 3days…was in a place without Internet connection, just with friends and some leaders in the Campus ministry. Got home to a lot of mails to sort out, work to do etc.
It was a wonderful time in God’s presence as Leaders of the Kajang Assembly of God Campus ministry went all the way to Melaka on a planning retreat. We were to plan for the next year’s activities. It was a time of learning from the truth in God’s word (THE BIBLE), having lots of fun, sharing and fellowship with one another. It was so good to be away from the hustle and bustles of school work…besides, this was the period of the Hari Raya holiday, so it was such a wonderful way to spend the holiday.
The 1st of October was the Nigerians Independence day celebration, so we marked it by teaching our Malaysian friends to sing our National anthem, and also say the Pledge. Prayers were then offered for the Nigerians in our midst, and also for Nigeria as a whole.
Visited Melaka - the historical town of Malaysia. Was there last year during the last Leaders retreat that I was invited for, but this time around we had more time to get around more places than we did last year. Got to see the “so famous” Christ Church and some other places of interest. Got to try “Chendol” one more time….since my first time…lol…
One amazing thing happened during this retreat. It’s really a testimony, and I must say I am proud talk about it, to the Glory of God. The driver of the bus that took us from Kajang to Melaka got converted to Christianity. He was a Hindu, but he said he got to experience God’s love through us. He said he admired the way we were in one accord, how we did things etc, and decided that he wanted to live like us, giving his life up to live for Christ. We were all so excited about it, as he said the sinners’ prayer, and also promised to be in Church on Sunday for the Tamil (Indian) session of worship. This event so reminded me of God’s word that says “Ye are the light of the world,…and the salt of the earth”. I believe that through us, this guy was able to see the light in God’s word, and we had added flavor to his life through the love we all showed to him. That’s what led him to want to know more about the God we serve. I’m so excited about it, and I pray that he will get to know more about God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Wow! I could go on and on talking about the things that happened during the retreat, but I must go to bed soon coz I’ve got to be up very early tomorrow morning to do a lot of things I’ve got to do out here. I’ll just attach some of the photos for y’all to look at, and I’ll get back to you when next I blog.