"Wordilicious Investigators" was organized by Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) Malaysia. The name came from the notion that God's word is s'posed to be Delicious to those who hear it and feed on it, so Wordilicious is the delicious word, and the Investigators were those of Us present at the event. Venue was Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall. There was a lot of activities lined up for the day. No wonder the duration was set to be from 8:30am-4:30pm....'twas good though. We were provided with Breakfast & Lunch, so we didn't have to bother so much....Organization was really good; from my view, it was worth more than the RM20each person paid to sign up. So sorry, got no pictures yah!!!
There were 3 sessions packed with practical demonstrations (in a dramatic manner), exploring the book of Jonah. Everything seemed so real, and I thank God for the wonderful opportunity to witness the event.
One thing amazed me so much. The drama presentation. It was so wonderful. Ever seen one person act out all the characters in a play?? There was this vibrant lady introduced as Brenda Lim. A graduate in Mass Comm., and involved in the past 5months in teaching English to kids in Cambodia. When we were told that she would be the minister for the day, I thought in my mind "How on earth would a Mass Comm graduate & English teacher be the one to take the word???", but I was really thrilled at what happened. She not only took the place of about 13 Characters that made up the play about Jonah the Prophet, but she went on to give a clear exposition on the book of Jonah. It was so Awesome!!!

The message I got:
1) God is Sovereign, He does whatever He does with whomever He pleases. When God calls a man, He ensures that whatever happens, the man would do what He (God) wants.
2) Jonah, most times we want to run away from God's call for our lives. Pride is most times a reason for this longing to neglect God's plans.
3) Nineveh: As humans, we always want to do wrong. The repentance shown by the people of Nineveh didn't last long. God challenges us. The struggles don't end when you just repent, it starts then. There is no private sin.
4) God sees what you are going through, but He has better plans for you. He wants us to look beyond ourselves.
5) When you are God's Messenger, He'll look out for you; before you teach others, He'll teach you.
6) Very Important: You'll see moments of grace when you stop running from God. He wants us to care for those He cares about. There might come moments when the sacrifices will seem too much to bear, but God will see you through in grace. GOD'S MESSAGE MUST BE PROCLAIMED!!!
Seems very long??? It really thrust me to another level of faith in God and the longing to do what He wants me to. I decided to sacrifice all that I felt was making me reluctant to do certain things that God wants me to. I believe that by God's grace, I'm geared towards being what God wants me to be for Him.
The games later on were equally impressive, and I was opportuned to get the NIV Bible I have so longed for. It's actually more than what I expected, it's an NIV Study Bible...isn't that awesome? God sure answers prayers.
Went to Church pretty late coz WI ended at 4:30pm, so i cldn't get to KAOG until about 6:15pm. Used the train form PJ To KL Sentral, then to Kajang. Quite kool.

Lord help me to live my life in such a way, that I can be ready to die for Your Cause.
"For me to live is Christ..., to die is gain" - Apostle Paul.