Although Christmas is a time when almost everyone in the world celebrates and takes time to have fun with friends and family, it's kinda embarrassing to realize that a lot of people still do not know the significance of Christmas. Some think Christmas is about giving gifts, some think it is about getting together with friends and family to have fun and a kinda family reunion, some think it is about singing Christmas songs/Carols, and the rest think it is about a guy in a fable...the guy they call "SANTA CLAUS"

As I think about the real significance of Christmas, I'm amazed at how God chose to come in flesh just for the sake of a "bunch of sinners"....I'm amazed at how he chose to die for me, for you, for us all...He sent His Son...His only begotten Son (John 3:16)...who would ever do that??? (Yay! Not me!!!). But He did, and I'm must grateful to Him. Cool isn't it???

Now to what today was like for me...It's 24th Dec, 2008....Christmas Eve. Malaysia is not as bubbling as it would be in Nigeria, the UK or even the US....Why??? Well..., I leave that to you to figure out....Maybe it's becoz it's known to be an Islamic nation....Well, just maybe...

Although I miss being with my family in times like this, I still thank God that I'm not left alone here in Malaysia....It would have been a terrible one if I was. I'm looking forward to what tomorrow (Christmas day) is gonna be like. My friends and I have made some plans to have dinner out in one of the renowned malls in Kuala Lumpur (Mid- Valley Mega Mall). It sure will be fun...I can't wait!!!

Ok! Got to go to bed now...Will update y'all on the rest of the Christmas experience tomorrow. But permit me to leave you with one message: CHRIST is the reason for Christmas, and we ought to realize that fact and draw closer to Him in love. He is deeply in love with Us, and He wants us to fall in love with him too!!!

Luv ya!!!

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