I've been pondering on this question, but it seems to be rhetorical to me...Haven't been able to figure out an answer for it...Why do most guys tend to be possessive....Now, don't get me wrong, but I think this is the opinion or will I say conclusion I have reached after several experiences with some close friends who are guys...

I've got a lot of male friends...not because I'm so interested in guys, but because I find myself being more comfortable hanging out with guys...I kinda shy away from hanging out with girls coz of some "girly stuffs" that I can put-up with. Don't mis-interprete what I'm trying to say, I'm in no way a T-Boy...I'm just free-minded around guys, and that's all about it....

Now to what makes me see guys as possessive, I realize that a high percentage of my male friends act jealously when they see me with some other guy (even if the guy is no stranger to them). Funny thing is, I keep wondering, why is it so??

Now to the other side of it, most of these guys actaully want to mix-up with all the other girls, but do not want the girl they hold dear to their heart to mix-up with other guys. They want to know the girl's every move, but do not care to tell her where they go all the time (sometimes they do, at other times they don't)....

So the question remains..... "WHY DO GUYS TEND TO BE POSSESSIVE???"
lol...cool one. really interesting. i had a good time reading this. I love it!!! but wait...am i also that possessive? Well, even if i am, i think i've got a biblical explanation to it (1Cor 11:8 and 9). Also, sincerely, there are certain truths out there we need not ignore. Guys, by default, like to be in charge of whatever looks like theirs. but that should be no surprise to anyone who has read Genesis 1:21. lol funny reply right? but seriously...give it some thought.
ReplyDeleteHmmm....1 Cor 11:8-9: "Woman created from man, and not the man from the woman, and 9- Man was not created for the woman, but the woman was created for man"? Seriously?! How come u quote this as an explanation to possessiveness? Well, I don't know what to say with regards to this..I just think guys should try to loosen their grip sometimes :-)
ReplyDeletewomen were created for men.
ReplyDeletewomen are men's.
women are men's to possess.
it was made that way.
that's why guys feel the need to keep a good grip on their 'possession'.
interesting piece, I can even see some pictures in my head. . . its really true.
ReplyDeleteI think guys are naturally hardwired to act like that reflexively. Maturity and exposure in the guy will in some cases reduce the possessiveness but will not remove it completely.
Stepping over to the side of the guys; I think some girls are equally jealous over guys that are just friends (someone may do a piece on that). Its a slightly complex issue when you look at the picture as a whole.
The mind mixed with emotions can be highly inflammable, all should tread with care and proceed with caution.
lovely post enjoyed reading it with its many truths... as for Gt, i dont even get where that 1 is coming from, but apart from that the piece is true, not only for the guys but for the girls as well...