Can't seem to figure it out.
Thought it should be mutual,
But nay, it seems to be turning brutal.
The heart seems to be sinking, rather than singing,
It seems sorrowful, rather than Joyful.
Why should it be so?...I keep thinking.
When it all started, I could hear my heart ringing
Like the sound of the ancient church bells, it was jingling.
My heart tells me it's for real,
But somehow I'm not sure I'm ready for the deal,
For to accept the deal, will require a seal.
She does not say the words,
But her actions...they improvise for her lack of words.
Her words indicate lack of interest,
But her actions....Oh! They betray her interest.
I've got to be patient, she seems to say,
For my emotions I want not to sway.
What is this I feel, I repeatedly ask
It sure has been an endless task
Oh Lord! Rescue me from this clueless mask!!!

hmn, good question. remember "real men probe their emotions"...guess ur on dat track