So really, what do women really want? I came across an article published by a dating site, and just thought I should share it here, for the sake of those who would love to know. I'll also share my opinion about these points made by them.

Here's the article:
Dating Tips: 9 Simple Things Women Want
By YourTango.com

1. Respect. Show us through your actions that you respect our opinions, careers, interests, friends, bodies, and minds. You don't have to agree with all that we say or do, but try to honor our opinions as valuable contributions. Follow the golden rule and treat us as you would like to be treated: Be honest, fair, kind, and considerate.
2. Romance. It's another night on the couch with takeout and TiVo? Just because we're staying in doesn't mean the evening can't be romantic. Light a few candles and see where the night leads. Treat us like your girlfriend, even after we become your wife. Date nights, physical affection in the car, kissing like when we first started dating -- all of the things that made us fall in love with you don't have to stop just because now there are bills to pay, a house to be cleaned, and kids to be bathed. Bring home flowers for no reason. We're not talking $100 bouquets of roses here. Even the $10 bouquets from the supermarket are enough to make us smile.
3. Time. We understand relationships can't be all wine and roses; simply making the time to be with us and treating us like your top priority says "love" more than all the fancy gifts and lovely letters ever could. This includes helping around the house. The realities of a 21st-century relationship are that both partners probably work. If you happen to get home before we do, why not vacuum the living room or throw in a load of laundry? If you take the garbage out without being asked, chances are you'll be getting a big ole smooch when you come back.
4. Dinner. Of the homemade variety. You may not be good at cooking and you may not know how to boil water. But greeting us at the door after a long day with fish sticks (or whatever you can wrastle up) makes us swoon, because it shows that you've been thinking about us and our hectic day.
End of article
So, what do I have to say about this?! I'll say it's perfectly true!!! I remember having a chit-chat with some of my male friends, and the issue of what women really want came up. Almost all of this 9points summarized above were mentioned to them(this was actually a long time ago, and this article wasn't yet published!!!). So guess this will go a long way to tell them that actually, women have a mind, and look forward to certain things in a relationship.

One more thing I'll like to add is this: Women want a man they can TRUST. Apart from being consistent, a woman wants to be able to trust her man, and also to be able to win his trust. I mean, what good is it if each time you see her with another guy, you begin to feel like she's cheating on you?! She on her own end will very much like to be sure that you aint doing anything ridiculous behind her back. Tell her everything she needs to know....Don't leave her always guessing the kind of person you are....If she sees that you tell her everything, she'll feel more comfortable telling you everything too. She should know your weaknesses and your strengths...Like, if you have a flare for beautiful ladies, she should know...Guess she'll be there to help you out on that, so you don't end up cheating on her....lol...

So for the guys out there, if you've been getting it all wrong in your relationship, or you are getting ready to be in one, this could be a good way to start. Try to see how you could inculcate these in your relationship and I bet you, you're going to have one of the best relationship ever.

I really am looking forward to seeing an article on "what men really want"...Guess we ladies are also oblivious of what guys really want. Anyone out there? Please, help out!!!

Okay, I'll stop here....Stay tuned!!!